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We love bringing you AFA! The team works hard to bring you plenty of fresh content each week, covering the wonderful world of animation. If you appreciate what we do, and would like to help us make even more of it, we've put together this page with different ways you can help us out. Some of these ways don't even cost anything!
The truth is it's getting harder and harder for small independent sites like AFA to make money. It used to be that sites paid for themselves through advertising alone but thanks to the widespread use of Adblockers it's becoming much harder. We might have advertising, but only a small proportion of our readers actually see them (you could help that by whitelisting us!). Here's how to do it in Adblock.
We get it. Adverts can be really annoying, but it means that many sites have to seek alternative means of funding. If we make money it means that we can afford to bring you more content! We appreciate that many of you can't afford to contribute (or just don't want to) and that's totally fine. No pressure from us!
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