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Tuca and Bertie Finds A New Perch At Adult Swim

When Netflix first started making its original programming, one of its strategies was "rescuing" shows that had been cancelled by traditional TV networks. Netflix has resurrected numerous series such as Arrested Development, The Last Kingdom, Full House and more. In the more recent past, Netflix has itself started drawing fan ire by cancelling a number of its original series. And in a surprising twist, traditional networks have stepped in to rescue some of these shows.

The first series where this happened was the sitcom One Day At A Time. Now it's been revealed that Lish Hanawalt's Tuca and Bertie will be returning, with a new season coming to Adult Swim.

Positive reviews and sharing key creative staff with BoJack Horseman wasn't enough to save the series when Netflix decided to drop the show after just one season last year. Critics of the move, including the staff of the series, felt the series hadn't really been given a fair chance, with the cancellation coming only months after the debut. As a rare adult animated series created by a woman, with female central characters, the optics weren't good either.

On the other hand, it looks like an extremely good move for Adult Swim. The network has- perhaps fairly- been criticised for being something of a 'boy's club', and has been noted in the past as not really an environment that has traditionally been friendly to women. Adding a show that is made from a female perspective is a shrewd move that will help to change this image.

Like every show that gets cancelled these days, there was immediately a campaign launched to save the show, but as we had heard nothing for some time, we had assumed the series was over for good. Contractual reasons may well have stopped the producers from taking the series to a competing streaming service, but networks aren't included. Hopefully, this won't prevent the new episodes streaming on HBO Max after airing.

Tuca and Bertie Season 2 will consist of 10 episodes and will air in 2021.
